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Fillers: Overview

Also called soft-tissue fillersdermal fillerssoft-tissue augmentation

As we age, our skin loses its youthful fullness. Fillers help to restore lost fullness to the face, lips, and hands. 

Fillers are popular for several reasons. Patients like that they can return to everyday activities immediately after getting most fillers. They like the immediate results that many types of fillers deliver. Patients also like that they can get this treatment during an office visit. Some fillers require a few office visits.

Uses: With a number of fillers now available, dermatologists can diminish signs of aging that appear on the face, lips, and hands. Fillers can effectively:

Insurance coverage: Insurance does not cover treatment that reduces signs of aging. 

Fillers: FAQs

Fillers are popular. To help you decide whether this treatment is right for you and to have the treatment performed safely, the AAD provides the following facts.


If you decide that fillers are right for you, it is important to know that injecting a filler is a medical procedure.

Having a filler injected in a non-medical setting can be extremely dangerous. To protect your health, you should never get a filler injected at a:

The AAD recommends that you see a doctor who has expertise injecting fillers and many satisfied patients. The results you see depend largely on the experience of the person performing this procedure. A dermatologist has the knowledge and experience required to inject fillers safely and effectively.

What happens when I get a filler? 

The procedure varies with the filler your dermatologist will use, the part of the body to be treated, and your medical history. Here are some general guidelines about what you can expect:

What must I do after getting a filler?

Most patients can return to their everyday activities after leaving the office. 

To reduce any redness and swelling from the injections, your dermatologist may recommend icing the area for 15 to 20 minutes before you leave.

Before you leave the office, you should be able to apply makeup.

After leaving the office, you should: 

Is there downtime?

This varies with the filler. Most fillers do not cause downtime. Be sure to ask your dermatologist whether you will have downtime.

When will I see results after getting a filler? 

This also varies with the filler. Most fillers fill the skin, so they produce immediate — or close to immediate — results. A filler also can stimulate your body to produce collagen, but this takes time.

Most fillers offer immediate results

Filler  When see results 
Collagen Immediate
Hyaluronic acid gel Immediate
Calcium hydroxyl apatite Immediate
Poly-L-lactic acid 2 or 3 weeks
Fat taken from your body Immediate
PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate) Immediate

You may see other fillers advertised. All fillers listed above have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), except for self-donated fat. This filler does not require FDA approval because it comes from your own body.

Will I look natural? 

To get natural-looking results, the person injecting the filler must have expertise in placing the filler. 

Dermatologists recommend not overdoing fillers. Your results will look more natural with a conservative approach. For example, patients who have very thin lips should not get dramatically fuller lips. Creating fuller lips in these patients could be extremely unflattering because the lips might start to resemble a duck’s bill.

How long will the results from fillers last?

Most fillers offer temporary results and require repeat treatments to maintain the results. 

Temporary fillers offer one key advantage. These can be injected as needed to replace lost fullness. This is advantageous because no matter what we do, our skin continues to age. 

How long fillers typically last

Filler  How long  it lasts
Collagen 2 to 3 months (often longer when treating scar)
Hyaluronic acid gel 4 to 12 months
Calcium hydroxylapatite 6 months to 1 year
Poly-L-lactic acid 1 to 3 years 
Fat taken from your body  1 to 3 years (often longer when treating a scar)
PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate) permanent

You should ask your dermatologist how long the recommended filler should last in the area you want treated.

When is it safe to get another treatment? 

If you get a temporary filler, you can usually have another treatment when the signs of aging reappear. 

What are the possible side effects? 

After receiving filler injections, some patients have minor, temporary side effects where they were injected. You may have:

These side effects tend to clear within 7 to 14 days — if not earlier.

Serious side effects are more likely when the person injecting the filler does not have adequate medical training and experience. To protect your health, you should never get filler injections in a non-medical setting, such as non-medical spa, salon, or someone’s home.

When fillers are injected in a non-medical setting or by an inexperienced provider, reports of more serious side effects increase dramatically. These side effects include: 

What is the safety record for fillers?

This is one of the safest cosmetic treatments available. For years, dermatologists have been refining the use of fillers to diminish signs of aging. Today, dermatologists safely treat people of many ages and all skin colors. 

Fillers: Preparation

To protect your health and find out what results you want, a dermatologist always offers a consultation before injecting a filler. To help you get the most benefit from this appointment, the AAD recommends:

This page tells you what to ask and what to gather.

Questions to ask before getting a filler

Asking questions during the consultation will help you know what to expect so that you can make an informed decision.

Before receiving a filler, the AAD recommends that you ask the following questions:

During the consultation, your dermatologist will examine your skin. This helps to determine whether a filler can diminish the signs of aging that concern you. You may learn that another cosmetic procedure is more appropriate.

If a filler is appropriate, your dermatologist will tell you more about the filler. 

Vital information to tell your dermatologist

Before getting a filler, it is essential that you tell your dermatologist about all medical conditions that you have. It is especially important for your dermatologist to know if you have any of the following: 

Your dermatologist will ask you about your medications. Be sure to tell your him or her about all medicines that you take, even ones that do not require a prescription.

Be sure to mention all vitamins, minerals, and herbal remedies. It is especially important for your dermatologist to know if you are taking any of the following:

Be sure to mention everything, even if it seems unimportant. Even if you haven’t taken a supplement or medicine for a while, it’s worth mentioning. 

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